Seven Fifty cafe-racer. Seat is ready.

Hurray! My seat is ready.

It took 5 weeks to make it and I became quite nervous about that. Firstly it was the  problem with upholster material I chosen. It was too though and didn’t want lay properly on front bent. But as it turned out, even with another material it was  difficult to make seat with design I wanted.  As far as I know seat maker made five or six upholsters before we were satisfied with result.

But result of all his efforts is brilliant. It is exactly the seat as I devised it. And I really like how seat looks.

img_5803 img_5813 img_5811 img_5839 img_5848 img_5842 img_5830And of course a couple of photos with handlebar grips:

img_5858 img_5864 img_5891 img_6718

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  1. Merv

    Nice seat, can you you tell me what the base is made from please

    1. gazzz (Post author)

      Thanks! It’s made of aluminium.


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