
Have a kind  of milestone: a few days ago it was  a year since I joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Many things have happened since then. In the middle of January I undertook a transfer to another unit and left the frontline for some time. In the course of transfer I had the opportunity to visit my home and workshop. I even got like a week or ten days for myself.  Well, what could I say: my empty and dusty apartments hit me much harder than my first deployment to the frontline.

Luckily, there were so many things to keep me completely busy: besides repairing the car,  I had to wash all my clothes, equipment, sleeping bags and oh gosh!!! the body armour.

And sure, I visited my workshop. Like the empty apartments, the sight of unfinished projects was no good for keeping my mind clear, but I managed to find a balance. The fact that my workshop became littered with war memorabilias helped a lot. I sorted things and piled crates. Most of the things I brought back with me have stories behind them, but it’s not  a time to tell them all.

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    good to hear your still safe mate, wish you all the best from England

  2. Dave KZRider Street Fighter LTD

    So glad to know you are OK. Best to you and your family.

  3. gazzz (Post author)

    Thank you!

  4. Dave KZRider Street Fighter LTD

    The KZRider members are all keeping you and your country in our prayers.
    The resolve to help you and your country is strong here in the USA
    Stay safe

  5. Arthur

    Danke dir, Danke Euch!

  6. Mark

    Looking forward to you returning to motorbikes, I need one of your Zephyr seat units !
    Doing what I can to support you including delivering 4×4’s from the UK to Ukraine.
    Slava Ukraini !


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