Hello there!
My name is Nazar and my nick is Gazzz. First time I rode motorcycle when I was fourteen and since seventeen I have been riding, maintaining and repairing motorcycles without interruptions for more than twenty years. After many years of riding I also mastered the art of photography and I became used to shot photos during my rides and during motorcycles’ repairs and restorations. However, some years ago I became aware that I want to do something more than just repairs, improvements or restorations and I decided to try myself in custom motorcycle building.
I began my first project based on frame of Yamaha XJ400. In that time cafe-racer weren’t such so to say re-fangled as they became later, and I was fascinated by them. I continued and finished this project with Oksana, who gravitated to my workshop due to her interest in motorcycles’ riding, design and photography. Her practice in law, insurance and finance became useful asset, so we became partners in workshop. Since then history of Gazzz Garage began. After we finished our first cafe-racer known as “Eight Ball” we decided to continue and expand. Thus we continued to build custom bikes, funding our projects by making and selling custom parts.
I was brought up in RTFM style and I got engineering education and I suppose these factors influenced my work as well as some art abilities I was born with. Every our project is unique, thought-out from general plan to smallest detail and is combination of art, design and engineer’ crafts.
Here is my Garage. Nothing special, but a shelter where I can repair and build the bikes. And place to meet friends, of course.
Garage was much less useful and pleasant place at beginning, but I continuously improving it. There are two spaced working tables, one of which is designed for engine works and another one is used for “harder” works, like metal cutting, or works with using sandpaper or rasp and so on. Tools and wrenches repository are expanded also. There are shelves for parts, units and tools and there is a corner to rest a bit with cup of tea or coffee or to seat for contemplation.