What makes a man happy?
Meeting like-minded craftsman.
Sharing insights with somebody who shall understand and appreciate.
Receiving an acknowledgement from the client for design and work well done.
Realizing that his design might be chosen in pair with that of the iconic Kawasaki Zephyr 1100.
Sharing his passion for motorcycles with somebody who dared the challenge .
I was asked about if my cafe-racer kit fits Kawasaki Zephyr 1100 several times. But as 1100 Zephyrs are very rare in Ukraine (I know only about one and suspect that there is another one somewhere ) I had no answer for that question thus it never came further than comparison of subframe and parts measurements. Unexpectedly I’ve met the client who was keen to experiment and has bought my Zephyr 750 kit with bare seat intending to convert it for his Zephyr 1100. I sold him a kit with a bare seat base to provide more field for experiment. As the result of his creative endeavours he sent me photos of his realigned Kawasaki Zephyr 1100 with the seat upholstered by his friend …
And surely, I am inspired by opinion from great sophisticated land thousands of kilometres from me from like-minded guy, whom I’d no chance to hear, if not our passion for Kawasaki Zephyrs:
“Hi Nazar,
yes I am very happy with the kit you sold me, the saddle was made by a friend as I told you, you can see the result on the attached photos. I don’t think I will ever return the bike to its original version”
I am sharing photos of his Zephyr 1100 here. What I like the most in this motorcycle is a combination of colours: green, white and black. And if I were asked about which part of this motorcycle is my favourite, I would answer without hesitation: it’s a fuel tank. All is perfect and inspiring: the design of white patch, vintage rubber pad on it, fascinating silver “Led Zeppelin Zephyr” insignia. And even carbon stripe combines greatly with all these so classic looking elements!
What else could I say? Great motorcycle, thank you for sharing photos and information about issues with Zephyr 750 kit installation on Zephyr 1100.
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Над сидением ещё есть где поработать. Капшук сзади нужно наполнить или перешить)
Очень редко, но все же случается, когда у меня заказывают голое основание сидения для того, чтобы проявить собственное творчество. В данном случае это дополнительно объясняется тем, что для установки на 1100-ый Zephyr человеку пришлось слегка модернизировать сидение.