Recently I received another order for kit. When I went with the seat base to the upholstery workshop, its owner informed me that he soon will be on vacation for a couple of weeks. I considered this as a potential delay would I receive yet one order for the kit soon, so I prepared another seat base and ordered yet one seat to be upholstered.
One thing pulled another, so I made two tail lights…
Then it turned out that the license plate lights I used for mostly all kits are no longer available from trusted supplier, so I found a solution for E-approved license plate lights. For the last ordered kit (with license plate holder of original design) I applied lights of usual type (two bolts), but next license plate holder and all following holders (of both designs: original and of steep angle) will be equipped with Koso Blade license plate light which has nice neat design and is E-approved.
In result I ended up not only with ready kit made to order but with yet one mostly finished kit (only tail is not primed yet). So the next order might be fulfilled quickly. And to finish the post here are a couple of photos of the kit that is already dispatched to the client, however with only one license plate holder (less steep).
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Hi will this kit fit the 550
Hi Robert,
For Zephyr 550 I designed similar kit. You may fin information about it here:
However, I am located in Kyiv, Ukraine and unfortunately we have a Russian invasion here (cruel and unprovoked act of aggression). Therefore, at the moment kits manufacturing is postponed. Hope, one day I’ll return to kits manufacturing and my projects.
Kind regards,