Epic weekend.

I became used having no weekends in their classic meaning, however I hoped to work a bit on our KZ650 cafe-racer this weekend, as a previous week left me with only one day to work on KZ. Nevertheless, orders, once accepted, always have priority over the projects. And this time things were even tighter: one of the ordered Zephyr 750 cafe-racer kits have to be dispatched by the end of next week and there was a delay in work of  laser cutting workshop. so I received parts for kits only this Saturday. Thus I negotiated with welder to do the welding on Sunday. Due to this slightly “unnatural” time for work I prepared all parts I wish to weld to make man’ call to work worthwhile.

Sunday morning turned out to be epic. We agreed to start at ten in the morning, so I was in my workshop before 9:00 AM. I started brewing my morning  coffee when I found out that gas cartridge in my portable gas stove is empty. I considered lack of morning coffee in workshop as unacceptable, so I brewed it using…  heat gun and vises.

Then it turned out that welder would be late for at least two hours. However I had quite a lot of work to do (on other order, parts of which I also received on Saturday), and two hours passed like two minutes.  So happened with another hour and half during which we welded all parts together. It were mostly license plate holders of two designs. EU-acceptable and of original design:

Even with such accurate welding it took some time to sandpaper steel plates properly:

However by  the end of the day  I finished two license plate holders. They look nice:

Here you may see how different their angles are:

I already gave them to my subcontractor in  powder coating (yep, on Sunday evening) so they will be sandblasted and powder coated as soon as possible.

This weekend I also received another set of  fiberglass blanks (fresh from molds) for yet another kit:

And as I received laser cut stainless steel parts…

I could install lock hooks on ready Zephyr cafe seat I already have in my workshop:


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1 Comment


    Bonjour Nazar

    Très intéressant de voir la fabrication des kits
    j espère recevoir le mien dans pas trop longtemps

    Jean michel


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