After I finished all works on frame, I had to clean it out and protect all treads, swingarm axle’ mounts and steering head before giving it out for sandblasting. The best way to clean frame is to wash it with gasoline under pressure, and this means protection gear for eyes and (if of course you do not wish to smell as leaky jerry can) for hair. The temperature outside was below zero (C), so frequently I was forced to left the work and lurk into garage to gain some warmth before next approach.
By the way, I also washed those aluminum chassis’ parts that weren’t cleaned earlier, so there were quite a lot of parts under the garage wall after I finished all preparations. Sure, aluminum parts I prepared for glass-, but not sandblasting, however about that I’ll write later.
The sandblasting workshop, where the frame of my CB750 was sandblasted is placed in the far corner of tram depot. Therefore, not only sandblasting machine was epic, but the whole place itself too. Sure, you barely may surprise anyone by the carcasses of trams and buses all over the place, as it was created for repair and maintenance.
The bus engine (with gearbox and exhaust attached) looked more interesting, especially under the cover of snow. Especially in company of motorcycle sidecar sticking from behind the lamppost.
But all that was shaded by these UFO-like things that turned out to be fountains from one of the Dnieper river channels. In summer they are submerged in the river waters and throw water at a height of up to thirty meters.
Colonies of shells were here and there on the bodies of fountains.
There were other interesting objects on the territory of depot, but lack of camera and time prevented me from full scale photo shooting.
The last photo of the set, sandblaster:
And here we come to result of sandblasting and therefore to the set of frame photos.
After frame was stripped to bare metal I treated it carefully. Even clean hands may leave some grease, so I did all operations with frame in gloves. And according to my design that very day, in couple of hours after sandblasting, I gave frame to painter.
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