As I wrote in previous part, we got a chance to ride right on the unfinished bridge on our bikes and it could be a shame for us if we didn’t try. So we jumped on the motorcycles and in fifteen minutes, after some ride and negotiation with guard we were on the top level of the bridge.
What could I say about all we seen: giant constructions, wonderful views, abandoned crane, light breath of fear when you standing right on the edge of bridge and a great charge of fun!
We have too few time for all we wish to do, and sunlight was too bright for the real good photo work (thanks a lot to the fate for an occasional clouds!), but we did our best.
But enough words, let’s look at the photos!
Constructions, machinery and a City in role of background:
A bit of fun. Scene. Actor 1: “I bought garage! Unbelievably close to the centre of City!”
Actor 2: “That’s nice. My congratulations, but you know, it looks a bit unusually placed…”:-)
Another part with construction and City in background (look at that young crazy heads on the top of right arch!)
And last but not least part of photos. I think, it could be called “Romantic on the edge”. Thanks to my friends, who where not afraid to pose in such irregular conditions.
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