A couple of summer textures I caught in my lens last week. The stone cliff wore in green and the old wooden wall with flowerbed in front of it. Just liked how it looked.
A couple of summer textures I caught in my lens last week. The stone cliff wore in green and the old wooden wall with flowerbed in front of it. Just liked how it looked.
Next update, this time it is turn lights. A thimbleful of imagination, a few evenings of work in garage, a bit of magic and here they are: as custom, as possible, but still is suitable…
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Yesterday I received last parcel with parts for the Seven Fifty project so in this post I brag about my purchases. The first one of them is dashboard. This time I chose all-in-one T&T gauge…
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Just occasional photo of project’s progress. I’ll post detailed information later, after additional parts arrive and other parts are finished, but the attentive eye even now may notice front fender, mirrors, dashboard and footpeg plates.
Another day is past…
Previous part of rebuild story>> This time I decided to use new seal head instead of just seal replacement. This is not the most difficult question as you know its dimensions. Zephyr 550 and 750…
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Yesterday I looked out of my garage and behold something unordinary in the sky. I took my camera and quickly climbed on garages roofs . What I saw looked like huge wave of clouds rolling…
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The population of Kiev is around 3mln. people. City lies on both banks of Dnieper river. The eastern (left) side is smaller than the western (right) but consists of mostly dormitory districts. So there is…
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