Seven Fifty cafe-racer. Seat is ready.

Hurray! My seat is ready. It took 5 weeks to make it and I became quite nervous about that. Firstly it was the problem with upholster material I chosen. It was too though and didn’t…
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Hurray! My seat is ready. It took 5 weeks to make it and I became quite nervous about that. Firstly it was the problem with upholster material I chosen. It was too though and didn’t…
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Or may be more proper title for this article should be “Revision and shopping”. I had some delay with parts manufacturing but every cloud has a silver lining, so I got a bit of time…
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As all works on Honda Cb750 Seven Fifty are on those stages of progress on which I couldn’t illuminate them yet, I am forced again to use my archive photo materials to fulfil another page…
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Okay, let’s continue interrupted line of story about my Kawasaki Zephyr 750 owning experience. All photos used in this part of story where made and processed in 2009 and I suppose they a still good…
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A couple of photos I shot on one of the last summer days. I had to drive some 500 kilometres; and as usual, I started before the dawn. The heavy rain chased me in beginning…
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