Honda CB750 F SOHC engine rebuild. Part 3.

Okay, let’s continue our story about Honda CB760 F2 SOHC engine. I completely disassembled engine, made all measuring of its parts and as a result has got a “list to do”. The only parts I…
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Okay, let’s continue our story about Honda CB760 F2 SOHC engine. I completely disassembled engine, made all measuring of its parts and as a result has got a “list to do”. The only parts I…
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Let’s continue our story about Honda CB750 SOHC engine. As original engine was mostly destroyed, we have the only way to restore the bike – to find somewhere another engine. The owner of the ruined…
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Looks like I have enough photos for yet one story. That was a year 2010, when one friend of mine appeared in my former garage with Honda CB740 F1 (SOHC) engine. F1 (SOHC) is the…
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