As I wrote in previous part, after some stroll through old narrow Prague’ streets we walked out right to Charles Bridge (Karlův most).
In this time of the day bridge was crowded very tight, and there are a unimaginable amount of this bridge photos, so there is no need in bothering you with mine. But let me make an exception for this couple of views:
And surely it was unable to me avoid a picture I named “The giving of pigeons”
And this guy in so nice mostly motorcycle looking equipment…
And this horrible scene of shouting people behind bars. May be I wrong but isn’t this guy from right just drunk thus singing?:-)
And last sculpture in which I beheld that the best way to bring the knowledge is to hammer it in the heads with help of a heavy cudgel!:-)
After the short rest under the bridge we returned to our temporary residence. Closer to evening our Prague’ friend promised us a yet another one tour under his guide so we had to rest before it. And that was a good deсision! I thought that I am a good walker, but this friend of mine proved that he is a better one.
We walked quite quick cause he wanted to show us some views of Prague before sunset and our first stop was, of course a St. Vitus Cathedral. Very impressive building and very hard for photo shooting. But I did my best and here is a couple of cathedral views:
I managed to shoot only a couple of architectural details of surrounding buildings
before we went to the park behind the palace…
To be continued.
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