Seven Fifty cafe-racer. Footpegs.

I designed footpegs for my Honda Cb-750 Seven Fifty cafe-racer project quite a long time ago, but firstly had to manage a lot of other questions. After I made seat base and brought it to seat workshop I felt that I was a bit tired of creative work so decided to spend a few days for work which require perseverance and precision but does not require permanent brainstorming.  And that is right the description of this footpegs’ making process.

As I had all materials bought earlier and all tools were ready I just came to my garage, turned on the music, sat down on the chair at the workbench and begun my work. Here I should admit that tubes from which I had to made footpegs were made of stainless steel, material quite specific and tricky in drilling and cutting. But I know the hints, so after the day of marking, drilling, cutting and continual coffee brewing (to hold the eye sharp and the arm firm) I got quite a good result just in first iteration.

IMG_4384 IMG_4758Next day I spent on thread cutting (also tricky when you cut the thread in stainless steel tube), hole’s edges grinding and configuring of the footpegs’ mounting end.

IMG_4766 IMG_4797And on the third day (exactly yesterday) I finished my work.  I cut and grinded footpegs’ ends, checked similarity of both footpegs, adjusted them in their holders and of course, added little features.

The idea was to use brass bolts to avoid foot slipping but there were no brass bolts of useful for me configuration in local markets. So I was forced to but screws and turn them into the bolts I liked. Here is a picture of screws mutating into bolts.

IMG_4823And here are footpegs as I imagined and made them:

IMG_5005 IMG_4896 IMG_4945 IMG_4955 IMG_4994 IMG_4949 IMG_4886The footpegs’ plates are not ready yet, but picture will be unfinished anyway without footpeg installed on its place.



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  1. Charles H Poling

    F me…….. That’s incredible…. The time….. What an outstanding piece of work ol boy!!!! Ride……

    1. gazzz (Post author)

      Thank you!


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