Garage update.

The arranging of tools, parts, material supplies, different useful things and organization of space is quite  a hot issue for such a small garages as one of mine. So this post is about further update of my workshop.

This time all begins from Steelcase “Flexbox” modular storage units. Thanks to Oksana aka OS, I got four of units on the weekend before previous. Nice thing this boxes with their sliding doors which need no room in open position. I began form installing of two units on the shelf (also fixed them to the wall), then added shelves between them and from inside of each, and as result I doubled useful space and arranged separated storage for supply of coffee, tea, sugar, food,  compact gas-stove and other tableware.  Another two units I placed near my workbench where they will be very useful, I suppose.

As a bonus I had a free shelf, so I looked around and a plan of further rearranging grown in my mind.  After visit to nearest building materials supermarket I reinstalled and added new shelves to my main shelving, expanded old small wall shelf to bigger one I freed, and installed new lighting, while rearranging all as best as I could.

This update cost me a two weekends and a couple of evenings between them, but it worth every spent minute.

garage_new_001 garage_new_003IMG_9257 IMG_9253 IMG_9285 IMG_9269 IMG_9275 IMG_9281And a few   photos of occasional interior details:

IMG_9247 IMG_9248 IMG_9264 IMG_9261 IMG_9251 IMG_9267


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